"As difficult as it might be for me, for you, for our fans, there is going to continue to be patience involved."
--darcy regier, nov. 5, 2010--
"To the extent we make changes it'll be on a patient basis, not a fire-sale basis."
--nov 5, 2010--
We're not talking about bad people," he said. "We're actually talking about good people who, if we talk about focus, we talk about energy level and things like that, then it's well within their capabilities."
"I am concerned [with 30th place]" "Well you start with the players in the room, you start with the team on the ice and, I think there's some postitive signs, but in a lot of ways, like the start of the last game where we give up a short-handed goal, that seems to be really the tipping point. And, in that case, awfully early in the game. I would say what he have had...right from the start of the season is we have had tremendous efforts like in atlanta, a two-nothin' lead, maybe one of the best periods of the year...For whatever reason, they haven't followed through in the second...we've had some inconsistencies in the game we're still working through getting things to fit."
"there is a division of labor here, whether it’s the coach, the general manager or the ownership. It is as it should be. Each of us has our own responsibilities and my responsibility is the hockey club and personnel"..."One of the obligations we have is to find better players...That’s a constant obligation"--april 29, 2010
[do you have a top-line center]..."Yes we do. Yes we do. How you want to measure that, you can pick how you measure that...
"For us, it is better than a trade,'' Regier said today. "I think when you look at anything that is available in the summer, anything that is available right now on the trade market, in order to keep Tim [connolly] here, not to give up any assets to acquire someone like Tim, I think it's a terrific day for the Sabres organization. [connolly's] healthy now. We expect him to be healthy. If you look at the marketplace in the summer, there's very few short-term contracts so that's what he gave back to the club (a two-year deal). We think he's one of the top players at his position in the National Hockey League. .. . The bet for us is obviously on his health. It's one that ownership was willing to make, one that I was willing to make on the management side."
[better players] "They are a big part of the team, they are important to your success and they are not readily available...So if teams have them, the likelihood of them giving them up isn’t very high. That brings you back to the people you have, and doing the work, in season and offseason, and helping them grow and become better. To the extent that that fails, then you have to try and figure out what to do going forward."

"...I'll assume when you're talking about doing something you're talking about trades...I think there's alot you can do prior to...trade is one aspect. To assume you're gonna make a trade and that's gonna fix it, Bulldog, if you were gonna take that position, I think it's a bad place to be. If you want to start to make moves now at this point in the season, the only way you're going to be able to do it is you're going to have to give up your assets, and those are your best players and the reality is we're not going to move our best players."--nov 5, 2010--
"I think, for the most part, the players are playing the way Lindy wants them to play...I think Lindy's looking at the same things I'm looking at from a coaching perspective is how can we change things up, how can we get things to click a little bit better...playing with everything from lines to individuals..."

--october 28, 2010--

--november 5, 2010--

--april 29, 2010--
If you want to look at number one centers...we have two in the top twenty [in the NHL]--june 24, 2010--

--march 4, 2009--

--april 29, 2010--
[best players] "...players like...the obvious is ryan miller right down to players...tyler myers...it's players like that and to varying degrees inbetween. I'm not gonna sit here and rate the players for you, Bulldog, I'll leave that for you guys and your show. My position is we'll do what we did in the past...we'll work through it, we have in the past."
--november 5, 2010--

"...I'll assume when you're talking about doing something you're talking about trades...I think there's alot you can do prior to...trade is one aspect. To assume you're gonna make a trade and that's gonna fix it, Bulldog, if you were gonna take that position, I think it's a bad place to be. If you want to start to make moves now at this point in the season, the only way you're going to be able to do it is you're going to have to give up your assets, and those are your best players and the reality is we're not going to move our best players."--nov 5, 2010--

--november 5, 2010--
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